The birth of Thomas

When it comes to home birth everyone has their own reasons why they choose to birth at home. For this mama it wasn’t her first rodeo, in fact, it was her third baby and it wasn’t her first home birth. For this mama home birth was not just a practical option due to her history of speedy deliveries but it was comfort and safety. It was intervention free, calm and gentle.

The day Suze went into labour she had messaged me that afternoon saying, “It’s happening tonight.” There’s something in us that just knows. As our body shifts and changes to the growing baby within us, we just know. Sure enough that evening I received a message saying contractions started and they were picking up fast. When it’s a third baby you don’t waste any time. You get there! I arrived to find Suze’s husband getting the birth pool set up and trying to rig up a connection to the kitchen sink. It wouldn’t be a true water birth at home if we didn’t have to rig up something! Haha But one way or another we were all determined to get this pool filled. We syphoned water from the sink, boiled pots on the stove, and hauled buckets to get it filled. The moment there was enough water for mama to get into it she did. She continued to labour in the pool as her contractions grew more and more intense, taking all her focus and concentration.

Every woman gets to a point in labour where they feel like they can’t go any further. They begin to doubt their ability, wondering how much longer they can last, they ask for the epidural or pain meds, anything to take the pain away. Anything to get away from their own body. Try cry, they scream, they moan, they sway , they change positions but nothing takes away the intensity that surges through their body. Because this is the end. The transition before your baby is born. The hardest part of it all. And just like the surges that course through your body you realize how close you are to the end and you get a new surge. A surge of energy. Of renewed strength. Just enough to get you to the finish line. Just enough for you to push through and meet your baby.

You find your rhythm, a focal point that oddly enough brings you comfort through the intensity. A focal point that becomes your anchor through the storm. For this mama it was the comforting touch of feeling her husband’s hands on her arms. It was safety and security. It was love and warmth. And then it happened…her body began to take over and push her baby out.

And in seconds it’s all over. The pain stops and your sweet baby is in your arms. Now came the fun part to find out is this sweet little darling was a boy or a girl. After having two girls they had assumed they were having a girl but to their surprise it was a boy!!! Surprise!

And after some skin to skin with mama and lots of snuggles all the baby checks. And of course we can’t forget that awesome placenta tutorial!

This is home birth. In all of it’s strength and beauty.

Your doula & birth photographer,
Kayla xo


There’s something special about the oldest!