Would You Benefit From Having a Doula?

Hiring a Doula is a big deal! It’s important to find one that fits well with your family and can provide you with the support you need. But how do you know if you would benefit from having a Doula? If you are unsure, we have created a quick questionnaire to help you determine whether or not you may benefit from having a Doula. Tally up your answers at the end to get your result.

  1. Is this your first baby? yes/no

  2. Are you a multip (you have birthed a baby before)? yes/no

  3. If you answered yes to the above question, did you have any complications, NICU time, or birth trauma surrounding your previous births? yes/no

  4. Do you have any previous life trauma such as sexual assault, verbal or physical abuse that could affect your birth experience? yes/no

  5. Are you a single parent? yes/no

  6. Would you like to be supported emotionally, physically and informatively during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum period. This looks like having 24/7 support and someone to call on? yes/no

  7. Would you like evidence based information, resources and support throughout your pregnancy, birth and postpartum? yes/no

  8. Would you like one on one private prenatal classes where you and your birth partner learn about the labour process, comfort measure options, natural pain management techniques, infant sleep, breastfeeding or bottle feeding your baby and infant soothing techniques? yes/no

  9. Would you like to have a positive or empowering birth experience? yes/no

  10. If you have a birth partner, would you like them to be more involved in the birth experience?

  11. If you have a birth partner, would you like them to be supported during the birth as well? yes/no

  12. Are you having a cesarean birth or trying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)? yes/no

  13. Are you planning on having a vaginal delivery? yes/no

  14. Would you like someone to help educate you on how you can better advocate for yourself during birth and help assist you in advocating for yourself during your birth? yes/no

  15. Would you like someone supporting you who understands hospital policies and is well educated in all in all of the options available to you during your birth experience? yes/no

Tally up your yes and no’s. If you answered yes to 4 or more of these questions you would most likely benefit from having the support of a Doula. Now I know 4 out of 15 doesn’t seem like a lot but some of these questions are jam packed and involved a lot more care than most people think, especially if it’s your first baby. Still not convinced? Check out our bonus question.

Bonus Question:

Would you like the risk of a cesarean birth decreased by 28%, a shorter labour, a higher APGAR score for your baby at birth, be 60% less likely to use an epidural, be 40% less likely to need synthetic oxytocin administered during labour, and have a more positive and empowering birth experience for you and your birth partner?

Did you know statistics show that having a Doula present to support you will help with all of this and more!

Still have questions about Doula support? Let’s set up a time to chat further to answer any questions you or your birth partner may have.


What does it mean to have an empowering birth?


Flashlight Doula